Relics of the Kaldorei is the first rune engraving quest for Night Elf Druids in World of Warcraft (WoW) Classic Season of Discovery.
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This quest is a little bit annoying to do, but the reward is absolutely worth it. You’re going to have to kill a few mobs, level up a few times, and climb the annoying Aldrassil tree several times. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to start and complete the Relics of Kaldorei quest in WoW Classic SoD.
First of all, you’re going to need to have a Night Elf Druid. So make one, and hopefully give him/her a cute name that hasn’t been taken yet. Since only Night Elves can be Druids, the only way you could mess this up is by making a Tauren Druid, so if you think your Druid looks like a bull or cow, you are doing something wrong.
Once your druid is created, start leveling up. Technically, you only need to hit level two to start this quest, but for the sake of simplicity, you should hit level four. Why wait until level four? To finish this quest, you need to know the Moonfire spell, which you can only learn at level four. Also, you’ll need to equip a level four item to finish this quest. Most importantly, by waiting until you are level four, you don’t have to keep climbing up the Aldrassil tree over and over again, which gets old really fast.
Once you hit level four, you are ready to begin.
I hope you like walking up long ramps because you’ll have to do it at least twice to finish this quest. However, before you start your climb, make sure you have two silver pieces to pay for your new spells. The last thing you want is to run back down and up again because you didn’t have enough. Find the ramp that leads up at 57.51 41.73 and go up until you reach the first entrance. This is where our quest giver and trainer hangs out.
First of all, learn your new spells, especially Moonfire. After you have your new spells, accept the Relics of Kaldorei quest. Alright, time to get going.
The quest tells you that you need to recover a rune from the Grellkin. Make your way to the Grellkin base. Note there are Grell and Grellkin around the same area. You need Grellkin, NOT Grell. The Grellkin are located around 56.68 44.00.
So, after all that hard work, what is the reward? Oh, nothing much… it makes the main druid spell, Wrath, absolutely free. That’s right, the Fury of Stormrage rune makes Wrath cost zero mana.
This may not seem like much to some, but this is a HUGE DEAL for WoW Classic players. Mana is always an issue during the endgame, and knowing that no matter what, you always have a spell ready is just a fantastic boon.
I imagine this engraving rune is going to be used by Druids throughout the entire game because it’s almost too good to be true.
Have fun never spending even a single mana point with your Wrath spell.