Nikhil Siddharth’s next film is SPY, which revolves around the mystery behind the missing of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. The talented actor also signed a film in the production of Ram Charan. For the film, Charan will team up with Abhishek Aggarwal and Vicky of UV Creations. Titled The India House, the film also stars Anupam Kher.
Nikhil Siddharth shared his happiness over being a part of the film at the press meeting of SPY.
“Everyone knows who Ram Charan is. He is a cinematic, dancing, acting, and business genius. He is a genuine person. After concluding that I would be very apt for the lead role in the film, he has approached me along with Vicky and Abhishek Aggarwal.” revealed Nikhil.
The actor also added, “I am privileged and honored to be a part of Ram Charan’s production, and I will give my 1000 percent to live up to the expectations.”
On the work front, Nikhil’s immediate release is SPY, which hits the screens on the 29th of this month.
Tags Nikhil Ram Charan The India House