First of all, we must remember that every single geodesic dome on Earth is a tribute to Bucky Fuller, and the one that was built in Colorado by the permaculturist Breigh Peterson, stands out among the most beautiful ones. The structure extends for about 15 metres, in the shape of a geodesic dome that was tested in the merciless Colorado weather to see how much it could produce in a single year — and its journey is delightful.
With barely a year in existence, this dome is already producing enough food for the entire year, since within it all the imaginable sustainable energy is employed, and its circular shape allows for the space —which is quite limited for a greenhouse— to unfold, so that fruits and vegetables grow on the walls, ceilings and the garden’s floor.
Additionally, the team of gardeners built elevated spaces using sacks of sand, that give the place a feminine and organic tone due to the curves they created. Flowers sprout here and there among celery, marigolds, and basil, with the sole purpose of creating a harmonising environment, and also, so that the producers can enjoy a beautiful landscape.
The north of the greenhouse has reflectors that shelter the plants during the summer and that keep them warm during the winter, water tanks with fish that moisten and give oxygen to the air inside the dome. They also have ventilation spaces that open automatically depending on the temperature.
It’s quite surprising to see the amount of food that can grow in such a limited space. No space is wasted there; each triangle of the dome has a purpose and the plants appear to be happy on their planet.
What this project tries to prove —and actually does prove— is that the so-called “relocalisation” system in which members of the community can produce, sell and buy among themselves, is the world’s future. This garden in Colorado will produce enough food so that the community can stop buying foreign goods and additionally feed exclusively on organic produce. Although this utopia might not be a possibility for all, or has not yet extended around the world, this process can be accelerated more each time through these sorts of efforts.